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This session will build on the FCDO-funded VAWG case studies conducted in collaboration with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the Syria Research Initiative in Syria to open a larger discussion about what we have learned about reducing VAWG in fragile settings so far, and how we can better incorporate evidence and learning to understand the effectiveness of VAWG-reduction interventions.


  • Melodie Al Daccache – Researcher (ISDC – International Security and Development Center)
  • Julienne Corboz – Senior Associate (Social Development Direct; Technical Advisor, FCDO’s ‘What Works to Prevent Violence – Impact at Scale’ Programme)
  • Sahar Al Hachem – Social Development Advisor (UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office)
  • Agnes Quisumbing – Senior Research Fellow (International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI))

Moderation: Abir Mikhael – Humanitarian Programme Manager (UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office)

This session is possible thanks to generous funding from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

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