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Day 1 of Fragile Lives 2024 will close out with an evening session, followed by food and drinks outside of the Senatssaal.

Tilman Brück will look back at the last 20 years of using micro-level evidence in peace and conflict research since the founding of the Households in Conflict Network, culminating in his current research portfolio and this conference.

Afterwards, a panel of experts will draw on what was said to look forward: What will the future of research, policy, and programming bring?

The panel will consist of:

  • Anke Hoeffler – Professor of Development Research, University of Konstanz
  • Anne-Claire Luzot – Director of Evaluation, World Food Programme
  • Gilles Carbonnier – Professor of Development Economics, Geneva Graduate Institute; Vice President, ICRC
  • Patricia Justino – Deputy Director, UNU-WIDER (moderator)

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