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Sudan is in the midst of a very violent conflict, which has caused a multifaceted humanitarian crisis and hunger catastrophe. More than 25 million people are in crisis levels of food insecurity without sustained access to basic social services and protection and in need of humanitarian aid for survival. At the same time, generating data and evidence is very challenging. The aim of this session is to bring together practitioners, donors and academics to discuss the crisis in Sudan, how to generate data and evidence about the crisis and its impacts on lives and livelihoods, and how to design, implement and evaluate policy interventions during the crisis.


  • Adam Yao – Deputy FAO Representative (FAO Sudan)
  • Khalid Siddig – Senior Research Fellow(IFPRI)
  • Francisca Castro – Researcher, (ISDC – International Security and Development Center)

Moderator: Ibrahim Elbadawi – Director (ERF)

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