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In this panel session, we will explore how research can guide policy interventions in complex settings. Based on the “Building Local Resilience in Syria (BLRS)” project, we will provide an overview of how to generate rigorous evidence on development and livelihood programming in difficult places like Syria, and discuss needs, gaps and intricate challenges and opportunities from the perspectives of researchers and donors.

More specifically, the session will discuss: What role does evidence play in development programming in fragile and conflict-affected settings like Syria? How can cooperation between researchers, implementers and donors be achieved to increase impact and cost-effectiveness? What are the remaining challenges in working in a volatile setting like Syria?


  • Ghassan Baliki  (Research Director, ISDC)
  • Peter McDermott (Development Director for Syria, FCDO)
  • Annette Chammas (Division Head, Middle East II, BMZ)
  • Tilman Brück (Professor at Humboldt University of Berlin; Team Leader IGZ; Director of ISDC)

Moderation: Kelly Stiebel (Livelihoods, Food & Agriculture Adviser, FCDO)

This session is possible thanks to generous funding from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

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